AI story generator

As an exploration into AI integrations we developed, initially as a story generation tool. During development and perhaps indicative of AI as a concept, it became apparent that it could do far more – from life plans and business goals to more comedic application such as believable fibs and terrible ideas.

Text inputs are sent to ChatGPT as part of a prompt that subsequently generates a response, with which we create a new website article that can then be shared on social networks and added to a reader’s favourites list. Authors can create a moniker under which all articles they create are archived and visitors can search all articles by popularity, theme, type or keyword.


User submitted text prompts are sent to ChatGPT via a model configured for our requirements. In practice, the model can be trained according to a project's requirements - whether a formal event planning tool, or a light-hearted life-goal generator.


There are no boundaries to what can be created - a poem, story, business idea or comically believable fib. As such, the response is saved as text to a new article on Storybooker - filterable by story type to keep an organised archive of generated content.

Social sharing

The subsequent article page includes social sharing icons that'll pull the title and generate an excerpt as a social card for all applicable platforms.

Search filters

By default, newest articles are displayed first, though filters can be applied to instead show those with the most Likes, most views or to generate results at random.


To collate an author's articles in one place, users can add a moniker to each submission - clicking which will display their historical catalogue as its own page on Storybooker.


A keyword search will show all articles which contain that word anywhere within the text response that was generated by ChatGPT.


Visitors can save articles to their favourites list without any requirement to login or create an account. Subsequent visits to Storybooker will retain their selected favourites.

Viewing history

All articles that a visitor reads are also saved to their viewing history, across any subsequent site visits.


By saving favourites and viewing history to local storage, there's no requirement to sign up or register to Storybooker and subsequently for any storage of email addresses or user data.


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